6 Misconceptions About Conception

6 Misconceptions About Conception

When people come to Hope Pregnancy Center for pregnancy testing or consultations, they often share with us stories of how they thought they couldn’t become pregnant or why they thought they were safe. Let’s look at some of the more common myths about unintended...
What is Self-Managed Abortion?

What is Self-Managed Abortion?

In the past few years, there’s been a growing focus on abortion and reproductive rights. Events such as the Reproductive Health Act enacted in New York at the start of this year and the Human Life Protection Act passed in Alabama a few months ago have served to make...
What Is Abortion Pill Reversal?

What Is Abortion Pill Reversal?

Many women who choose abortion have regrets – and some start having them immediately after taking abortive medication. In the past, these women would have had to finish a procedure they no longer wanted. Now, however, there is another option: a medical treatment...

Calculating Estimated Due Date

Calculating Estimated Due Date View Our 5 Oklahoma Locations!  Calculating Your Conception Date Are you pregnant but you’re not sure exactly when you conceived? Trying to figure out exactly how far along you are unfortunately is not as easy as plugging in the start...